The meaning behind...
Kintsukuroi is a Japanese art form of mending cracked or broken pottery with gold lacquer. Because the mended piece has its own story, character and personality in its imperfections, it is seen to be more beautiful for having been broken. Rooted in ancient Japanese thought, we learn through this to embrace our flaws on the journey of healing and self-worth, and ultimately discover what happiness means to us.
On the journey of self-love, self-acceptance and self-discovery of the inner free spirit, this is a subtle reminder to be grateful for the beauty in our lives, and to let go of all that we cannot control.
We are all broken, that's how the light gets in.
The busy pace of the city that we have got accustomed to takes its toll in different ways. Many times we find ourselves unable to detach from the blinding whirlwind of what we call life. We forget to love ourselves, we forget to be kind to others, we become fixated on things that do not matter, and find ourselves unhappy a lot of the time. But is that happiness that we pursue, ultimately just a state of mind?
Breathe, and feel your soul. How beautiful you are.
You deserve to be loved by you.
Let the comforting combination of essential oils and crystals transport you to your safe happy space, even for just a few quiet moments of respite.
All our products contain only pure therapeutic grade essential oils and premium ingredients, and are thoughtfully made with the intention of uplifting and relaxing the mind and body. Each essential oil blend is formulated to bring out the benefits and complementary properties of aromatherapy for wellness and mindfulness.
We stand by no nasties, no harsh chemicals, and no synthetic fragrances in our studio. And it always smells so deliciously divine in here!