Return & Refund Policy

Thank you for visiting and shopping at Kintsukuroi Studio. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to help.


To be eligible for a return:

  • The item must not have been used and must be returned in the original packaging within 14 days.
  • The item must not be a sale or discounted item. Discounted items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged. Returns will not be accepted for change of mind items.


To initiate a return or exchange:

  • Fill in our contact form or email us at with your name, order details, and item(s) you would like to return.
  • We will reply with instructions on how to process your return.
  • Once we have received your returned item we will process your refund, replacement product, or store credit within 24 hours.


Any shipping fees will be paid for by the customer. 

For any other inquiries, please fill in our contact form or send an email to